All-purpose Barbecue Sauce


5 cups catsup
6 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
8 drops hot pepper sauce (more or less depending upon your tastes)
6 cups water
1 cup vinegar
1-3/8 cup brown sugar
6 tsp. salt
6 tsp. celery seed
6 tbsp. instant minced onion (I use more onion, but here again, this depends upon your tastes. I like to use Vadalia or Maui Onions as they have a bit of a sweeter taste to them, and have a wonderful flavour to BBQ Sauce)
1 bottle Smokey type barbecue sauce
1 bottle chilli sauce


Mix and simmer in crock pot for 4-5 hours or until desired thickness.
Comments: This makes a whole bunch but can be frozen and then just use what you need and put back in the freezer!